a- Seller: Rezervem Teknoloji Hizmetleri Anonim Şirketi ("Rezervem")
Address: Merkez Mahallesi Hasat Sokak No: 52/1 Şişli, İstanbul
Phone: +90 (212) 211 86 44
E-Mail: info@rezervem.com.tr
b- Buyer: Within the scope of this contract, the Buyer refers to the person(s) who request a reservation to receive service at the restaurant/hotel (hereinafter referred to as "Restaurant/Hotel") that he/she prefers. The personal information provided by the buyer when making a reservation request will be taken as a basis for the contract.
Regarding the reservation to be made by the Buyer to receive service at the Restaurant/Hotel, the Seller regulates the conditions regarding the sales or prepayment price to be taken from the Buyer's credit card through the Service Provider (referred to as "Rezervem") and determines the rights and obligations of the parties in accordance with the Law on the Protection of the Consumer No. 6502 and the Regulation on Distance Contracts.
3.1. The Seller shall collect the sales or prepayment amount determined by the Restaurant/Hotel from the Buyer's credit card using the virtual pos when a reservation request is made through the Reserved website. For this purpose, the Buyer will enter the Buyer's credit card information in the prepayment system that appears in the link content sent by the Seller to the Buyer's e-mail address or mobile phone. This amount may vary depending on the reservation time and/or the number of people. The amount to be withdrawn as a pre-authorization will be indicated on the payment screen.
3.2. The buyer knows and accepts that the reservation will be confirmed upon successful completion of the sale or prepayment transaction. When the pre-authorization process is completed and the reservation is confirmed, the Buyer will be notified via SMS or e-mail.
3.3. When the Buyer goes to the Restaurant/Hotel at the date and time of the reservation, the Seller will cancel the pre-authorization process as stated above, and the Buyer will only be responsible for the account to be paid at the Restaurant/Hotel. In case the Buyer completes the sales transaction completely and completely, the amount collected from the Buyer will be deducted from the amount paid by the Seller at the Restaurant/Hotel.
3.4. The buyer declares that the credit card information belongs to him; He/she declares that he/she and everyone accompanying him/her are of appropriate age and qualification to receive these services in areas where there is a regulation for services related to age restriction. The Seller reserves the right to stop/cancel the reservation when it determines that the information provided by the Buyer does not correspond to the truth. The Seller assumes no responsibility in the event that the Restaurant/Hotel cancels the reservation due to the violation of this article and does not allow the Buyer to enter the restaurant/hotel on the reservation date and time. The Buyer is obliged to compensate all damages incurred by the Seller due to his violation of this article.
3.5. The Seller does not accept responsibility if the Restaurant/Hotel changes the date and time of the reservation. If the reservation is canceled by the Restaurant/Hotel for any reason other than the Buyer's fault, the sale or prepayment fee will be returned to the Buyer. The reflection of the refund to the User's bank account may vary depending on the bank used. Reserve cannot be held responsible in any way for delays caused by the Bank.
3.6. The buyer has the right to cancel the reservation at least 12 (twelve) hours before the reservation time. In this case, the sale and/or prepayment price is canceled and the Buyer does not make any payment as a penal clause. If the buyer's credit card is charged, this amount will be refunded to the same credit card. The reflection of the refund on the User's bank account may vary depending on the bank used. Rezervem cannot be held responsible in any way for delays caused by the Bank. For cancellations made 12 (twelve) hours after the reservation time, the cancellation of the sales and/or prepayment fee is at the restaurant/hotel's discretion.
3.7. If the Buyer does not come to his reservation on the date and time of the reservation, the amount withdrawn by the Seller as sales or prepayment will be collected in accordance with the decision of the Restaurant/Hotel. If the buyer is at least 30 (thirty) minutes late to the reservation time, he will be deemed to have never arrived and will act accordingly. The Buyer agrees to receive payment from the credit card within the conditions set forth herein and declares that he will not claim any rights.
3.8. The Buyer may choose to pay the bill online for the services provided by the Restaurant/Hotel when he/she arrives at the Restaurant/Hotel on the reservation date and time. In this case, the Buyer will enter his/her credit card information into the payment system that appears in the link sent by the Seller. The Buyer agrees that the credit card information belongs to him/her and that he/she will make a secure transaction when paying online. The Buyer knows and agrees that he/she will complete his/her bill by successfully completing the online payment transaction.
3.9. The Buyer agrees that for reservations made for special events/shows organised by the Restaurant/Hotel, the prepayment made by the Buyer will not be refunded except for force majeure and declares that he/she will not make any claim.
4.1. The Seller will process the personal data transferred to it only for the purpose of fulfilling its obligations under this contract and in accordance with the procedures and principles set forth in the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 ("KVKK") and secondary regulations. It is accepted, declared and committed that it will remain
4.2. Except for the exceptions listed in the KVKK, the Seller, in order to prevent the unlawful processing of the personal data obtained, to prevent the illegal access to the personal data, to ensure the protection of the personal data, is based on the decisions of the Personal Data Protection Board or on the basis of the KVKK and the relevant legislation. It has to take all kinds of technical and administrative measures to ensure the level of security in the standards that can be brought within the scope of regulations and other legal regulations to be issued.
4.3. The buyer accepts, declares and undertakes that he has read and understood the clarification text presented to him regarding the distance sales contract and the reservation process.
5.1. The Buyer shall make all notifications, including the notice of withdrawal in accordance with Article 4, in writing, using the Seller's above-mentioned contact information. The Seller, on the other hand, makes all notifications regarding this contract to the Buyer's mobile phone.
6.1. In the event of a dispute arising from the implementation of this contract, Turkish Law will be applied, and the Consumer Arbitration Committees are authorized in case of disputes below the value determined and announced annually in accordance with Article 68 of the Law No. 6502 on the Protection of the Consumer, and the Consumer Courts in the center of the Seller or in the settlement of the Buyer are authorized in case of disputes above it.
7.1. If any part of this Agreement is found to be partially invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it cannot be interpreted as invalidating the entire Agreement. In such a case, the other provisions will continue to apply.
8.1. When the Buyer makes the payment for the reservation through the Seller's website, he is deemed to have accepted all the terms of this contract.
Last Update: 2024-05-15
Rezervem Teknoloji Hizmetleri Anonim Şirketi (“Rezervem” olarak anılacaktır) olarak, siz müşterilerimize ait kişisel verileri hassasiyetle korumakta, veri sorumlusu sıfatına haiz olarak tüm yükümlülüklerimizi 6698 sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu (“KVKK” olarak anılacaktır) ve Avrupa Birliği Genel Veri Koruma Yönetmeliği (GDPR) uyarınca hukuka uygun olarak yerine getirmekteyiz.
Kişisel veri, belirli ya da belirlenebilir nitelikteki bir kişiye ilişkin her türlü bilgidir. Buna göre kişisel veri, adınız, soyadınız, adresiniz, telefon numaranız, e-mail adresiniz vb. tüm bilgilerinizi ifade etmektedir. Bizlerle telefonda veya yazılı olarak yahut elektronik ortamda paylaştığınız tüm bilgileriniz KVKK ve GDPR kapsamında işlenmektedir.
Rezervem olarak,
Restoranımız, web sitemiz ve diğer iletişim olanaklarımız üzerinden, sizlerden aldığımız kişisel verileriniz, mevzuatta belirlenen güvenlik ve gizlilik esasları uyarınca yeterli ve etkili önlemler alınmak kaydıyla; yasal zorunluluk gereği bu verileri talep etmeye yetkili olan kamu kurum veya kuruluşları, faaliyetlerimiz gereği anlaşmalı olduğumuz yurt içindeki ve dışındaki kurumlar ve iş ortaklarımız ile paylaşabilecektir.
KVKK ve GDPR’a uygun olarak, işbu Aydınlatma Metninde belirtilen amaçlarla işlenmiş olan kişisel verileriniz, KVKK 7. maddesi ve GDPR 17. maddesi gereğince işlenmesini gerektiren amaç ortadan kalktığında ve/veya mevzuat uyarınca Rezervem olarak verilerinizi işlememiz için zorunlu kılındığımız zamanaşımı süreleri dolduğunda tarafımızca silinecek, yok edilecek veya anonimleştirerek kullanılmaya devam edilecektir.
KVKK’nın 11. maddesi ve GDPR’ın 15-22. maddeleri uyarınca veri sahibi olarak,
Yukarıdaki maddede bahsi geçen ve KVKK’nin 11. maddesi ile GDPR’ın 15-22. maddelerine göre sahip olduğunuz yasal haklarınız kapsamında taleplerinizi www.rezervem.com.tr internet sitesinde yer alan iletişim bilgilerini kullanarak, yazılı olarak veya info@rezervem.com.tr e-mail adresini kullanmak suretiyle bize iletebilirsiniz. Veri Sorumlusuna Başvuru Usul ve Esasları Hakkında Tebliğ’in 5. maddesine göre yapacağınız başvuruda,
Konuyla alakalı daha ayrıntılı bilgi için 6698 sayılı ’nu ve GDPR'ı inceleyebilir, www.kvkk.gov.tr ve www.eugdpr.org internet sitelerini ziyaret edebilirsiniz.
Rezervem Teknoloji Hizmetleri Anonim Şirketi (“Rezervem”)
Adres: Merkez Mh. Hasat Sk. No: 52/1 Şişli, İstanbul
Telefon: +90 (212) 211 86 44
E-mail: info@rezervem.com.tr
In accordance with the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data (“Law”), your personal data may be processed by Krank Information Technologies Limited Company (hereinafter referred to as “Rezervem”) as the data controller within the scope described below.
When you make a reservation on the Rezervem website, your personal data is processed by Rezervem for the following purposes: limited and in connection with the purposes of conducting communication activities, conducting finance and accounting works, conducting business activities, conducting goods / services sales processes, conducting customer relations management processes, conducting contract processes, conducting restaurants / hotels and reservation processes.
If you make a reservation on the Reserved website, your personal data is processed for the following reasons, limited and proportional to the purposes specified in article (b): pursuant to Article 5 of the Law, it is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract, provided that it is directly related to the establishment and performance of the Distance Service Contract between you and Reservem, based on the legal reason.
Your identity and contact information, as well as your reservation information, obtained from your personal data obtained during the reservation process you have made through the Rezervem website, are transferred to the domestic partner restaurant/hotel where you want to make a reservation, by taking the necessary technical and administrative measures in accordance with Article 8 of the Law.
As the person whose personal data is processed, you can send your rights (learning personal data processing, requesting information about the processing, learning about the relevance of the processing for the purpose, knowing the transferred persons, requesting the correction, deletion or destruction of incomplete or incorrect processing, requesting the notification of all automatic transactions to third parties, objecting to the analysis, requesting the compensation of the damage) within the scope of Article 11 of the Law, which regulates the rights of the person concerned, in writing to the address of Rezervem Merkez Mh. Hasat Sk. No:52/1 Şişli, İstanbul in order to exercise your rights in accordance with the Communiqué on Application Procedures and Principles to the Data Controller, or you can send it via e-mail info@rezervem.com.tr.
Title: Rezervem Teknoloji Hizmetleri Anonim Şirketi (Hereinafter referred to as "Rezervem")
Address: Merkez Mahallesi, Hasat Sokak. No: 52/1, Şişli, İstanbul
Phone: +90 (212) 211 86 44
E-Mail: info@krank.com.tr
Mersis No: 0589070937200001
After this preliminary information form is read and accepted by the Consumer in electronic environment, the stage of establishing a distance sales contract will be started. The service in this form will be deemed to have been performed after the reservation has been made and the contract will automatically terminate.
4. REPORTING COMPLAINTSThe Buyer can make all complaints and requests within the scope of this contract to the notification addresses and telephones specified in Articles 1 and 4.
5. AUTHORIZED AUTHORITYThe Terms and Conditions determined within the scope of this Agreement are subject to Turkish Law and are interpreted in accordance with Turkish Law. Consumer complaints and objections can be made to the arbitral tribunal or the consumer court, within the monetary limits determined by the Ministry of Industry and Trade every year in December, in the place where the consumer buys the goods or services or where he or she resides.
Name Surname: Client Name Surname
E-Mail: E-Mail Address
Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2025